Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can I see what other Computers on the network i am connected to r doing?

can i watch what other computers r doing on the network i am on? can i see if other computers are on from my computer if we are both connected to the same network? Can i see the websites they are on?

Can I see what other Computers on the network i am connected to r doing?norten

If you have administrator rights on your LAN's router (for instance, at your house) then there are probably a couple of useful tools. Its list of DHCP clients will show you who is connected and enabling logging will let you see what people are accessing.

There are also various network traffic/use/etc monitoring tools such as Ethereal that put your network interface in what is known as ''permiscuous'' mode, letting you watch what traffic is on your segment. This requires some expertise to understand.

I have made the assumption that your goal is not one of hacking. If it is, then I must inform you that hacking is an illegal activity.

Can I see what other Computers on the network i am connected to r doing?panda

In Windows term, it's impossible. In hacking term, it's possible

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