Sunday, August 8, 2010

Computers can be used by scientists to automatically collect data. Wat are the possible benefits of

here's the rest of the question:

Computers can be used by scientists to automatically collect data. What are the possible benefits of collecting data without a

person present? What are possible drawbacks? Explain your answers.

must be from 3-6 sentences

Computers can be used by scientists to automatically collect data. Wat are the possible benefits of collectin?systemworks

The benefits are that by using computers to collect data, a project can reassign their limited human resources (i.e. people) to other tasks, and complete more work in less time. Additionally, if the task is set up correctly, automated data collection can be more reliable than doing it manually.

The drawbacks are that if you screw up the automated collection, you've often find you've wasted the entire time and have to start from scratch. Also, if there is a subtle error, it may be harder to catch, because you weren't paying as much attention to the collection process.

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