Sunday, August 15, 2010

I need an answer about computers please, the question is:-?

I had lodgers at my home, who used thier own computer , but My IP connection as in, (they used the phone and internet extention) I have since asked them to leave, but i am now wondering if they can still use'' my'' Ip address, obviously- their computer is no longer plugged in my home. I know my question is a bit muddled , sorry, but I dont know much about computers. Thanks for your help.


I need an answer about computers please, the question is:-?spyware remove

Better get in touch with your internet provider for an acurate answer. As nice a bunch as we are, they are the ones with the right way to go. sorry to hear about your problem, I hope it works out OK. Luv

I need an answer about computers please, the question is:-?virus protection

do u use a router?was it wireless?
no they cant use ur ip now....but i think u should never share ur network with such people whose online habits u dont know about. next time u have lodgers at ur home tell them to get their own connection.........otherwise u may fall into serious trouble if they have illegal/offensive online habits.....

hope i helped.........


u cannot find out if they have done anything wrong or not....but if they have done and u are held under suspiscion tell the authority about the fact. the concerned authority would definitely check their computer hard drives and u dont have anything to worry. i mean if u have never done anything wrong u shouldnt worry... chances of such problems is really bleak.....but anyway u should never share ur connection with others.....just keep this in mind next time.... dont worry .... u really dont need to.....
I wish I knew. This is an interesting question and I will watch to see your answers.
me too, i am not clever.
no hun as far as i know they cant
No, they can no longer use your IP address. It is yours alone and assigned to you as is your telephone number.
must be nice having a phone line no your cool only you and your line, on a radio link up north repeater system here. be safe little one or some one might get in your computers head....
No, they can't.

They would have to use your phone line and your computer to di that. EVeryone has their own unique ip address...

Don't worry.. everything is fine.

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