Sunday, August 8, 2010

MAC USERS: IsThere a Spyware for MAC Computers?

Is there a spyware that can be used for mac computers? eg. someone being able to connect to your computer or see the activities you're doing on the computer? Im new to mac computers.

If so how can you get rid of it?

Thanks for your responses!


MAC USERS: IsThere a Spyware for MAC Computers?suzuki

YES. There is something like 50-100 virus-ware and spyware varients for the mac. Truth be told the only reason why mac is so "secure" is because it hasn't been prodded nearly as much as Windows and few want to develope malware for it(not enough macs).. Being part Unix does add a great amount to it, but there are weaknesses in the Mac OS, ask any hacker.

I know of only one Anti-spyware for the Mac, which is MacScan.

If your looking for AV protection for your Mac Kaspersky offers it I think.

MAC USERS: IsThere a Spyware for MAC Computers?virus

Yes, but not nearly as much as the amount of spyware for Windows.

only windows has spyware and other suff.
I dunno, but check they have practically everything you might need for a mac, ;) either that or check your system preferences, on the sharing icon... see if you are sharing your computer with others ;), shut the access and no more worries

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