Sunday, August 8, 2010

One of my computers now has an IP Address 1 number higher than the other 2. It won't search the

My three computers all had an IP Address ending in 100. Now one has a number ending 101. This computer will send and recieve email but will no longer search the web. Why?

One of my computers now has an IP Address 1 number higher than the other 2. It won't search the web. Why?virus protection software

You don't want all the machine to have the same address!!!

They SHOULD be all different.


One of my computers now has an IP Address 1 number higher than the other 2. It won't search the web. Why?adware

did you just install a new piece of software? change any settings?... how do your computers connect? are they on a local network? on a Portal? two of them connect through the third?.. each scenario has different problems.
all three computers need diffrent addresses such as,,

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