Sunday, August 8, 2010

WRT54G, slower bandwidth on certaiin computers, easylinx advisor. ela?

ive spent forever on the phone with linksys support trying to figure out why 3 of my wireless computers are getting reduced only about 8 mbps when it should be in the 20 bps range. they all three run win xp, and distance from router has no affect on speed, i tried from 1 foot still only got 8-9 mbps. theres another wireless computer, xp 64 bit, that is getting the full speed of 20 mbps. the three that aren't were all in stalled using easylink advisor, is it possible that easylink has done something to screwup the bandwidth. ive tried getting on my network without using easylink. it shows im connected but i recieve no packets, so natually it doesnt work.


wrt65g v8 firmware 8.00.2 connected to internet via cox cable

G-band mode,


3 wmp54g, one in the 64 bit comp using ralink 2500 driver, ive tried a verity of different drivers on the regular xp machine, but it never gets above the 8-9 mbps range, currently using the linksys drivers

1 d-link adapter, also getting the 8-9 mbps range

theres another comp, running xp, wired in to the router, setup with easylink and it is geting the 20 mbps speed

i wired one of the wireless xp machines, with wmp54g adapter, ithat is geting slow bandwidth wirelessly, and it ran fast in the 20 mbps range.

so i can tell its not the computers.

also a friend brought over his lap top, and i set it up using easylink and he got the full 20 mbps speed, it was also running xp.

so for no apparent reaso 3 machines get slow bandwidth. wep is enabled, static ip addresses for all, anyone else having simnilar problems, or have a solution? thx

WRT54G, slower bandwidth on certaiin computers, easylinx advisor. ela?adware remover

It could be something loaded on the slower mnachines causing this. Also try allowing the dhcp to control the addresses. I would disable easylink and use the wireless card's own utilities to run the cards. This will reduce the load.

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