Sunday, August 8, 2010

Help With My Computers Sound!!!!!?

ok heres my problem. my computers sound has been working fine since we have gotten it. and now, it just wont work! there is no sound from any part on the computer! i have tried turning the volumue up, but nothing seems to work! whats wrong?

Help With My Computers Sound!!!!!?virus

Try a system restore to when it was working OK. If this does not work, reinstall the soundcard driver.

Help With My Computers Sound!!!!!?anti virus

sometime u inadvertantly or advertantly turn down the sound in other applications or programs that use sound like windows media player, rhapsody, or yahoo chat,etc, and do not turn it back up. Go to these programs/apps and turn the volume al the way up using the slider in these , then only use the computer sound adjuster to control volume in the future
go to start%26gt;control panel%26gt;sounds and audio devices and see if the volume is muted. If it isn't, go to the volume tab in the corner of your taskbar. Click option%26gt;advanced controls and mess with the options until you get sound. If THAT doesn;t work, I recommend trying a different set of speakers to see if your current ones have gone bad. Good luck!

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