Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why can't my two Windows XP computers access my Vista computer in the network?

My Vista computer can access shared files from XP computers, but I can't access Vista's files through my XP computers. Printing is fine and all three can share iTunes, but that's it....?

Why can't my two Windows XP computers access my Vista computer in the network?virus scanner

The Problem Is Not Diff OS As Someone Said

That Can Play a big factor but i have networked vista to 98 and xp ETC

your problem is your ip address

Xp Uses a 4bit IP address system

BUT... Vista Uses A 6bit Address System

So Check your TCP/IP settings

and your workgroup

Why can't my two Windows XP computers access my Vista computer in the network?anti virus software

Curious, is your file %26 print sharing is working from XP to Vista? I had a similar problem printing from XP laptop to Vista Desktop and this article helped: Report It

Have you put all 3 computers in the same workgroup?

That usually helps with the permission side of things.
Because microsoft products are horrible...get a mac...
their are not the same os that is why

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